هل تساءلت يومًا كيف يتأرجح القرد عبر الأشجار ، أو كيف يمكن أن يتشبث أبو بريص رأسًا على عقب بورقة؟
يستكشف كتاب "حيوانات تسبح وتمرح وتتأرجح" الطرق الرائعة التي تتحرك بها الحيوانات ، من الحيوانات الزاحفة والقافزة والمزيد!
مع الرسوم التوضيحية والتفسيرات البسيطة لتحركات الحيوانات ، سيسعد هذا الكتاب عشاق الحيوانات من جميع الأعمار.
Have you ever wondered how a monkey swings through the trees, or how a gecko can cling upside down to a leaf?
Swingers, Clingers and Other Amazing Animals in Motion explores the wonderful ways animals move, from leaping lemurs to crawling crabs and more! With lush illustrations and simple explanations of animal locomotion, this book will delight animal enthusiasts of all ages.
Publication Date: May 12th, 2018
Hardcover/64 pp/24x24 cm
Ages: 7+
ISBN 978-9953-9033-2-3
What an engaging and visually distinctive book! My niece and nephew loved it. The big, bold illustrations complement a simple and informative text that even had me learning new things about how animals move. The choices of animals are interesting, too, and not your typical run-of-the-mill. A fun and educational read. I highly recommend it!
- Rami, Amazon Review
What a wonderful book! Super informative and really fun, the book made my daughter (and myself!) think about how animals can move about in different ways. Even though the book is aimed for older kids my 3 year old thoroughly enjoyed it, and learned loads of new things too. Definitely on our list of everyday reads.
- Huda, Goodreads Review